Welcome to a practical and spiritual approach to befriending death & dying.
With Kevin & Eileen
The Let's Chat About Death course provides an opportunity to investigate what’s important in our life and make changes that reflect that.
We'll bring curiosity as we explore and get intimate with our relationship around death and dying. We’ll get practical with the logistics, because at the end of the day, clear communication is the greatest gift we can leave our loved ones.
The course consists of six classes, in which all participants meet with the Befriending Death team every two weeks on zoom. After each session, you will receive materials and assignments to digest and complete on your own.
You will be placed in a small buddy group in between the large group sessions for deeper discussions and to help hold each other accountable to getting your work done. If you're signing up with friends or family, consider if you would like to be in the same group or participate in a group with others. There are benefits to both.
6 Sessions (90 minutes each) With Facilitator & all participants online with instructive talks, dynamic discussion, guided meditations, reflections and small breakout sessions
The course meets alternate Tuesdays, April 16th - June 25, 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM PST
The buddy groups meet every other week - day and time decided by group
2-3 HOURS for home assignments on your own, at your leisure (movie/reading/writing/conversations)
6 hourly sessions with your small group (at a time that works for all)
Course topics include:
Relationship with death and dying
Working with change, aging, sickness, accidents and death
Preparing for our own death (physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and practically)
Preparing for loved one's death & difficult conversations
Bearing witness and being with the dying
Grief & embracing Life
Payment Options can be selected on the form below:
Base $300
Sustaining $400
Pay It Forward $500
The zoom link will be sent out when we get closer to our first session.
I would like you to purchase this book for some assignments in the course. You are welcome to start reading prior to class but it's not necessary.
Advice for Future Corpses (and Those Who Love Them) by Sallie Tisdale
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